What is pixel and screen vignetting? how to stop, reduce and fix it

Screen vignetting can really be a very bad issue with the monitor. Especially when you have an LCD monitor, it can come up with vignette effects a lot. This thing will decrease the display performance and ruin your experience because it is actually an abnormality.

So, in this article, we will know what is screen vignetting and how to fix it. Just like LCD bleed and ghosting, this can be a really bad problem that you will ever see on your monitor screen. But, in most cases, this is going to have low intensity.

It will come with a very low percentage that you won’t even detect that it is there.

What is pixel and screen vignetting

What are Pixel vignetting and its effect on-screen quality?

Pixel vignette changes the way you perceive the elements on your display. The center of your screen will look much brighter while the corners and edges would appear duller. This is the main issue and this is what we are going to discuss here.

Because screen vignetting can happen at any point without any prior notification, you might feel that your monitor has gone bad. But, seeing this type of thing on any LCD monitor is normal.

In fact, most low-end monitors will have this effect but you won’t notice it at all. Now, the main reason for this issue is the reducing thickness of your monitors and the way current display devices are manufactured.

The LCD panels are getting thinner and thinner this is one of the main reasons why you would see that the quality of their displays is getting down. But, if you are investing a good amount and buying a top-notch LCD display, you will not see any issues at all. This problem will mostly appear when you have a low-end monitor.

Any sort of physical impact on your display can also ruin its internal working and it might also be the reason why vignetting is happening. Also, if there is some kind of pressure on your display panel, you can see this issue rising at any time.

There could be many other reasons because you are dealing with an electronic device that is working on very subtle levels. The internal circuit might be damaged or the display panel itself.

So, we are not going to dig deeper into the technical things. But, we will try to help you get rid of this issue. So, without any further delays, let’s get started.

Is screen vignetting bad?

Definitely screen vignetting is a bad thing when you are about to watch any solid colors on your display. You might not feel this thing whenever you are watching any media content or playing games. Doing other normal things such as browsing may not let you know about this thing.

But, it is definitely a bad thing because your display is actually behaving in a bad manner. Also, this issue may get worsen in the future and that is going to be a really bad thing for you.

So, if you have started seeing this thing on your monitor, you are probably going to stuck in a serious issue later on. Screen vignetting is going to decrease the level of performance you are expecting from your monitor.

This will also impact the way you perceive the content because the colors and brightness levels will not provide you with the desired results.

In simple words, screen vignetting is a bad thing if you are doing nothing about it. The intensity can increase as time passes by.

So, make sure to try using the methods we are going to discuss below. These things are going to help you know more about the issue or fix it permanently.

Because you will not see things’ effects while doing any task or watching movies, you can say that you have no issues with it. But, imagine yourself doing some office works on a white MS Word file.

You will definitely see the change in color and brightness and this will definitely make you stressed about the problem.

Why does screen vignetting happen?

It is hard to tell you the single reason for this problem because various things can be there behind this issue. In some cases, the panel might be damaged and working on its lower potential. But, sometimes, there could be a manufacturing defect.

Also, if you are using wrong signals through damaged connection cords, it can also cause a problem. The next problem can be related to your graphics card. Whether it is an integrated or dedicated graphics card, it is doing the actual job of transmitting the video signals to your display.

So, if it has got faulty, you will have to do something about that as well. Another reason could be unwanted forces put on the display panel.

Some people would see the vignetting problem in the LED displays as well. In the case of an LED screen, the real cause is going to be behind the circuitry. But, the LCD displays can come up with several reasons and this is what you will have to keep in consideration.

If you don’t know why this is happening, it is good to leave it as it is. Having a product under warranty can allow you to get it replaced without doing any extra effort or paying extra money. In short, it is tough to say what is causing the problem.

But, doing troubleshooting is very easy and that is what you can do. So, we are going to help you with that just below.

How display vignetting is different than IPS Glow?

Both problems will appear in the LCD displays. But, as the name suggests, the IPS glow issue will appear in the IPS LCD display. So, if you are using an IPS display, you might get confused about these problems. You can easily say that the vignetting is actually the IPS glow and there is something else that is wrong with your monitor.

But, these both are completely different issues. The difference is lying inside the location of glow and darkness.

In vignetting, the corners are going to be dimmer. But, when you are experiencing IPS glow, the location of those dark or even bright areas is going to random. This is the main difference you will have to keep in mind.

This might be the reason IPS glow is very easy to detect while vignetting can be tolerable because its location is uniform. However, both come under the category is display uniformity. You will have to face several issues when these symptoms get worsen.

In the case of vignetting, the vignette areas can start to increase or in the case of IPS glow, the glow areas can become wider. But, in simple words, these both problems are very different from each other.

So, you should never try to use the fixing methods between them. The vignetting can let you use your monitor as usual but the impacts of IPS glow can be very bad.

How does monitor vignetting impact gaming?

You will not see if vignetting is happening because it will appear very elegantly placed. You can become habitual of this thing that. Some people would never be able to see if their screen is vignetting because they are looking at it for months or even years.

But, this will happen when vignetting is occurring in a lesser amount. If a lot of your display’s percentage has been vignetted, you will be going to face several issues for sure. In that case, you can actually see that some part of your display is dull.

Vignetting can ruin your gaming experience if you are playing RPG or other slower games. In the case of FPS or faster online games, you will never be able to detect the issues at all.

So, unless you are experiencing a lot of vignettes, you will have no problems playing games or doing other things of that sort.

But, whenever you are typing texts, editing videos, or browsing the internet, you can easily see that your screen is having lesser brightness or dark patch on the corners. Now, in most cases, you can decrease the brightness of the whole display and match it to the vignetted areas.

This is one of the quickest and easiest solutions to this problem. So, if you think reducing the display brightness is enough to tackle the issue, you can play your games with lowered brightness.

However, some other solutions are coming ahead in your way. You can also follow them.

5 Exclusive Methods to fix clouding Edge screen, AND vignetting effect on display pixel pitch

There is no direct or permanent fix to this problem. Monitor vignetting is mostly a fixed problem that can’t be fixed without having professional knowledge about these devices.

But, you can definitely try to do some fixing steps on your own.

Some of these are as follows.

Method 1: Update display and monitor driver

Updating your display driver can be a possible fix to this problem. Because the issue is related to your display device, you may see some results by updating the display and monitor drivers. The driver is the main component in your computer connecting your hardware to the OS.

So, it is crucial to have an updated display driver. You can easily do it on your own. There is numerous third-party driver updating software available in the market.

You can either use them or use the manual method. We are going to use the manual method because it is the fastest and most effective one.

So, let’s see how you can do that as well.

  1. Press the Windows+X key and click Device Manager
  2. Now, double-click the option Display Adapters
  3. Right-click your graphics card and click Update Driver
  4. Choose the automatic method to update it online
  5. If you already have the latest driver downloaded on your computer, you can also use the manual update method
  6. After the first driver update is done, you will have to do the same for the monitor driver as well. For that, you can double click the monitor option in Device Manager and update your monitor driver from there.

After updating your drivers, make sure to restart your computer and see if the problem is fixed. If not, you can jump to the next step.

Method 2: Check the monitor stand

In some cases, a disaligned monitor stand or an external monitor arm can also put some extra pressure on the body. This can impact the way your display panel is positioned and cushioned inside the frame.

So, you will have to see if your monitor stand or any other thing is connected properly and not putting any extra load to your monitor’s body.

This can be confirmed by checking the screws and other connections as well. You can try to move your monitor away from your monitor stand or arm if you are seeing any attachments.

Method 3: Loosen up the monitor screws

This may void your warranty. So, follow this guide only if you are aware that the monitor has completed its warranty period. We are going to lose the monitor screws to release the pressure which might be there because of your monitor’s body and frame’s attachments.

First of all, take a small piece of cloth and try moving it on the panel on all its sides. Just put a little pressure so that it can set at its perfect place. Now, take a screwdriver and start to release the tightness a little bit.

Don’t completely open up the panel. You just have to release the extra pressure. If that’s done, try to connect your monitor to the system and try running it again. If the vignette is again there, you can go to the next step.

Method 4: Try switching your display

For this step, you must have another monitor to connect to your computer. In this step, we will confirm if the problem is really related to your monitor or the graphics elements.

It is possible that your graphics card is sending bad signals and that is causing this vignette effect. You can arrange another display from your friend.

You can also take your monitor and try connecting it to another computer to see if it is showing the same results there.

If the monitor is vignetting with another computer as well, you will have to do something about your monitor. But, if another monitor is also vignetting with your system, there are surely some issues with your graphics card.

Method 5: Repair or replace your monitor

Now, you have already tested your system by connecting it with another monitor. So, if another monitor was working fine, it means your computer is well and good. Just check if your monitor is under warranty or not.

If the warranty period isn’t over, you can get in touch with customer support and request a replacement.

Otherwise, you will have to find an authorized service center and get your monitor repaired by experts.


We hope you have found this article helpful. It will definitely help you know more about what is screen vignetting and how to fix it. If you have any other suggestions regarding this article, just let us know in the comment section. Consider sharing this article with others as well.

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