What is Flashlight and Backlight bleeding and how to fix it on Ultrawide display?

Backlight bleeding is one of the most common problems you will ever see on an LCD screen. The problem mostly occurs on ultrawide formats like WFHD, WQHD, and super-wide series. So, if you are using an LCD monitor or Television, you may face this problem anytime on your device. However, the same may happen on any LCD screen whether it is inside your smartphone or tablet.

The backlight bleed can cause several problems for you because it makes the visuals look faint or too bright sometimes. However, you can see several other issues when this problem is occurring.

So, it is always a good decision to do something whenever you see this issue on monitor.

What is Flashlight and Backlight Bleed

Backlight bleeding occurs when the LCD backlight system is able to create bright areas on the screen outside of certain areas of the screen. Have you ever seen these annoying lights on your screen? It’s as if light enters through the glass and exits around the back and edges of the glass.

Unfortunately, this is a common problem with pages that use backlight to display colors and is known as backlight smearing. What is a “backlight”? How do you solve this annoying problem? The next article will answer all your questions.

Backlight is a problem with liquid crystal displays (LCDs) because it uses an active backlight system. In fact, the entire surface of the LCD screen is illuminated by a light source, preventing unwanted light from being displayed to view certain images.

Backlight bleeding occurs when certain areas of the screen are not completely blocked by light, creating bright spots that damage the viewing experience.

You can change it by purchasing a new page with strong backlighting. However, different companies have different policies on these issues.

So don’t expect the journey to be easy. However, if the screen is new, or at least under warranty, try it before making any changes or repairs yourself. This is primarily because some companies use any brand to easily manipulate customer engagement.

What are the types of backlight bleeding?

There are two main types of backlight bleeding. The first one is the flashlight and the second one is clouding. These both can be fixed when the work is properly done. Also, if the device is under warranty, you might get a replacement or repair in both cases.

We will come to that later. But, before that, let’s talk about both types of bleedings in detail.

1. Flashlight Bleeding

This kind of backlight bleeding is found mostly on the corners of your screen. It is known as a flashlight because the bleeding happens in a circular form and that is why the corners are generally more bright.

The light is turned to these corners and the center will remain darker. This one is the most popular type of backlight bleeding.

So, if you are seeing this kind of problem, you should definitely do something to fix it up.

2. Cloud Backlight bleeding

This one is known as cloud bleeding because the bleeds may appear anywhere on the screen. The size and shape of these bleeds may vary.

They will look like some irregular patched on your screen which will be way brighter than the rest of your screen. This happens mostly on large display monitors or Televisions.

However, this is a rare kind of backlight bleeding. But, it is definite that you will have to do something in this case as well if you want to fix the problem.

How to test backlight bleeding on a UHD monitor?

It is very easy to detect the monitor’s backlight bleed with your eyes on an ultra HD monitor. But, in some cases, especially on small screens like thin bezels, it can become tough to do the same.

So, you will have to make your screen fully black and then check for the uncommon bright areas. You can use lightbleedtest website to do a simple test by turning your screen black.

This website will not tell if there is any kind of bleeding on the screen. But, the screen will turn fully dark so that you can check if there is a bleed or not.

Why Is backlight bleeding a problem on all higher resolutions?

Backlight bleed is surely a problem because it is highlighting some kind of defect in your LCD screen of its components. So, if you are seeing an issue with a new device on higher resolution, you should definitely try to get your item replaced.

The problem may increase in the future and it is also possible that the whole screen gets damaged after someday of usage. In most cases, these bleeds are permanent and they neither decrease nor increase.

But, if you are seeing this type of problem in your UHD monitor, TV, smartphone, tablet, or any other devices, don’t ignore it.

Companies generally replace these items or offer free service if the device is within the warranty period.

What is the cause of backlight bleeding?

The most common reason for backlight bleeding is the unwanted pressure on the LCD. This happens mostly during the manufacturing process.

This is the reason you start seeing those bleeds just after some days of usage. The main causes of this problem are as follows.

  1. This can happen because of panel warping in curved monitors.
  2. If the screws of the LCD panel are tightened too hard, this problem may occur.
  3. A damaged LCD panel can also be the main cause of this problem.

There could be something else like circuit or software problems that might be causing this issue.

But, most of the time, it’s the uneven pressure on the LCD panel that ends up in LCD backlight bleeding.

Is light leakage the same as backlight bleed in Display?

Both these terms are used to highlight the same problem in display aspect ratio. Because backlight bleeding is a less common word in this domain, people often use light leakage to explain the same issue.

The main thing to notice here is that the light is getting out of the desired areas and brightening some spaces in an unwanted manner. This can be called backlight leakage, light bleeding, etc.

So, the problem remains the same, and this is what we are going to solve here in this article.

Is it possible to fix the backlight bleed on your own?

In some cases, you may get this issue fixed by doing some DIY. However, mostly these damages are permanent and in that case, you can do nothing but a complete replacement of either your LCD panel or the whole device.

But, if your device is under warranty, you will surely get a replacement from the manufacturer. Because this issue can happen even if your monitor is sitting in one place, you have nothing to do with these internal problems.

Your manufacturer should take responsibility and they would do it for sure. But, we are going to do some basic troubleshooting so that you can solve the problem on your own.

We would advise you to follow these methods only if your monitor is out of warranty and you have no other option left on your own. If the warranty period is still On, just get your item replaced.

How do I stop my backlight from bleeding on Ultrawide Monitor?

These are the things you can do to try to solve this problem on your own. But, if you are not comfortable opening the screws of your monitor. Just don’t do it.

You can try other methods. Now, let’s get started.

1. Reduce the Brightness

In some cases, this problem gets solved just by decreasing the brightness. However, you may not try this method because it sounds so simple. But, in most cases, the bleeding may reduce or get eliminated with the reduced brightness and get back once you increase it.

However, if you are lucky enough, the issue can get completely resolved by just decreasing and increasing the brightness.

Make sure to reduce it till the last limit and then increase it.

2. Loosen the screws of the monitor frame

Just turn your monitor or TV down and loosen the screws on its back. As we have discussed earlier, this problem is mostly caused when there is a lot of pressure put on your LCD panel.

This should solve your problem. And if this works, just tighten the screws again with less pressure this time. This will surely help you keep your LCD free from that excessive force and make your display work normally.

3. Twist the frame

This can be tough for some of you because you will have to open the back panel completely. Once you open all the screws, just try to twist the frame and the LCD panel a little bit.

It is possible that the panel is placed in the wrong way and the pressure from the screws is ending up in this issue. Firstly, try with the frame itself and then open the frame if you want and can.

If you do not want to open it, just proceed to the next step.

4. Clean the bleed areas

This one can also work for you especially if it is cloud bleeding. In flashlight bleed, this method may not be very effective. But, you should definitely give it a try. Just take a piece of cloth and clean the areas where the bleeding is happening.

Make sure not to apply too much pressure on those areas because it may completely damage the screen or worsen the problem. However, try to clean it with gentle pressure.

This may free up your screen from any dust and unwanted pressure as well. So, make sure to give this method a try as well.

5. Call a professional

If any of the above-given methods are not working for you, it may be time to get professional help. Just make sure to get in touch with your manufacturer first of all.

If they are not able to help you, you can get help from the nearby electronics repair center or a computer service station. Do not try to open the device completely and try to fix it on your own if you are not aware of these things.

You may end up causing some irreversible damage to your monitor by doing the same.

Final Verdict

We hope you are now aware of everything related to backlight bleeding. If you are familiar with any other method besides these ones, just let us know in the comments section. We would surely add that here in this article.

You can tell us about any other article which you may want to read on our website. We would surely help you with everything we can.

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