What are Lumens and Nits in Display Brightness? Is it related to Monitor Light Output

Nits are the unit of display brightness and the higher brightness, the greater number of nits are present. So how we will be able to define the brightness reason. Hence, given the ‘Nits’ as a standard unit of display, its brightness. Nits is having a vital role in the brightness of the display screen. So, in this article, we are going to know everything about Nits display brightness.

Now, whether you are seeing your smartphone, tablet, monitor, or television, it is all because of resolution. And a good resolution makes sure the good quality of the display. Now, the thing is that devices are glossy. And, the problem with the glossy screen is that they show reflection. But, nits have everything to do with the internal working of your screen in terms of brightness.

You can also say nits as the standard unit of luminescence. So, what nits do is, make the display brighter. And this bright display helps you to see your display even in another source of light. If you will see your laptop display or mobiles, they are having an average display of 200 to 300 nits.

What are Lumens and Nits in Display Brightness

As the range of nits increases, the quality, especially the quality of the display is believed to be better. Suppose your device is having a display of 200 nits, then your device’s quality will be supposed as average.

At the same time, if your other device is having a display of 300 nits, then it will be in the category of good quality. But, now, if a device is having 500 nits or more than that, then the quality will be more than awesome, as it will be having the capability to defeat reflection, and also of giving a much brighter display.

The Apple MacBook Pro is having a brighter display with 500 nits, whereas the display of the television lasts at 1,000 nits. Different devices will have different levels of nits display brightness.

Also, they will allow you to change these numbers as per your requirements. If you are reducing the number of nits, you are actually decreasing your display’s brightness.

So, it is good to know about the nits because whenever you go and purchase a new monitor, TV, or any other display device, you will see this number. So, having a piece of good knowledge about it will definitely benefit you.

What Does It Mean to have High Nits peak brightness Monitor?

Having a high number of nits means high brightness and good view. If the display of your device is having high nits, then it means that you can see the screen clearly without any reflection of light. You will be able to see the bright view of your screen.

Suppose you are watching any movie series on your laptop and the peak brightness is too low to see anything. You may want to increase the brightness but if the display can’t go further than a pre-described limit, you won’t be able to see the visuals in the way you want.

However, with a display having a higher number of brightness nits, you will definitely be able to experience the best visuals.

The high nits mean a high quality of brightness. As we discussed above, Nit is the unit of luminescence. The high number of nits on your display screen will give you a clear picture with saturated colors. The whole discussion starts and stops like a cycle chain on the brightness.

The high nits are usually seen on television, as a forgiving clear picture, it needs more nits so that it can give a quality picture. Most of the products and their manufacturing companies will highlight this feature along with their other features.

So, if you see your monitor screen giving you a good number of nits, you are definitely on a better side. This problem is there in most low-end Android smartphones.

The nits display brightness can’t go beyond a limit and sometimes you will have to pay close attention to see the elements, especially in the daytime. But, if your device has good brightness nits, you can easily experience everything whether there is any kind of light source outside.

Is Low Nits HDR Display Monitor Good?

Low nits mean a great chance of reflection. If your device will be having low nits, then your screen will be less bright. Your screen can illuminate instead. The low nits can be seen in some of the phones and laptops, which also affects the brightness quality of the screen.

Having low nits just gives problems when you are outside or under the sunlight. Also, you have to look with too much pressure on your eyes, which can harm them.

You may not be able to get pass through those limits. However, on some special devices, you can easily use third-party software to go over these limitations. This may include using software that allows taking your settings higher than the limits set by the manufacturer.

The low nits are having less brightness. If the nits are less than 100, then the quality of the brightness will be worst. This will not impact the colors or sharpness in any way but the quality of visuals will surely get impacted.

When the display brightness is low, you may even start to feel hassles while reading things. If you want to see any element in the display, there will be a hard time watching the darker elements. However, the lighter colors will appear in the way they should.

How is nits brightness rating different from Lumens?

The terms LUMENS & NITS relate somewhere but are not the same! Let’s try to understand it with the help of the concept of the bulb. Have you ever seen a bulb glowing? Well, whenever you see your bulb glowing, the thing that comes to mind is its unit ‘Watt’.

This WATT is exactly the power, your bulb took from the power socket. Whereas, some quality bulbs are also there, which can produce the same amount of light by consuming less power.

Well, the power outage is having nothing to do with the brightness. When both convert electrical energy into light energy, it creates Luminous Flux (Lumens).

Flux is the flow of things, here you can say it is the flow of photons. Luminous Flux is the total amount of radiation the sockets consume. The more the lumens, the high is the brightness.

  • The lumen can measure the overall intensity whereas, nits measure the lightning on the surface area.
  • Nits refer to the measurement of light, and Lumen is how brighter the display is!
  • Nit is the unit of visible-light intensity, showing the brightness level, whereas, a lumen is the unit of Luminous Flux.
  • The displays of mobile or laptops are having an average nit of 300 to give good quality of brightness, whereas, in lumens, you see the projectors or home theatres having average lumens of 1000 to 1500.

 Should You Worry About Nits of Your Display?

If it’s a question to me, then my answer will be yes. You should know about nits, that how much according to your device or your use you need it in actual! If your device screen will be having too few nits, then you will not be able to see clearly. The combination of colors will not give a natural look.

If you are having an average unit of nits like 300 to 500 then, you will get a clear display. But at the same time, if with this many nits you are expecting the good quality of brightness on the projector, then you are mistaken at this place.

For a projector, you need more than 1,000 nits for a clear view and bright picture.

Be aware too, if you will be having a high amount of nits with you, then it can damage your eyes. High nits will show high brightness which will make your eyes fatigue.

But, low nits can have negative impacts on the visual quality. So, you should try to find a balance point between these both. 

Does High Display Brightness Matter?

When it comes to discussing brightness, the first demand regarding display is for brightness itself. The brighter the screen is, doubles the enjoyment of the view.

A bright display gives you a perfect view. And the brand DynaScan works especially for brightness. This brand is more focused on the brightness of the display.

So, my answer to your question is YES! The high brightness matters as it is having many benefits, some of which are

1. Visibility

Any device if not have a good display, then it becomes boring. Many brands are that’s way more focused on the display brightness. The user’s demand for buying high brightness displays has increased.

Now, the challenge is to beat the sunlight, as in front of the sun, all bright objects will be dim, as sunlight is unbeatable. So, the brands increased the number of nits in the display, which can help to view and enjoy even in the sunlight.

2. Color Correctness

What if you are not getting the correct combo of colors? Sounds boring, right? The same is here with the high display. The high display of the screen allows you to enjoy each saturated color, the natural color on your display with joy.

Also, if you have noticed ever the colors when not combined properly, creates blurriness. So, the high display will give you a clear picture.

3. Power Consumption

It came to as bad news, that the high brightness consumes high power. So, the brands like DynaScan worked on it and introduced a display that will give brightness with less power intake. This is a revolutionary step in this technology era.

What If My Display Brightness Is Low?

If the brightness of the display will below then you will not be able to take your device outside or in the bright room. Also, if you are near the glass where outside light enters, it will become harder for you to see even text messages or to type, as due to low brightness you will find it difficult to do. You can try to find third-party software to get this done.

As we discussed earlier, some display devices will come along with their dedicated display management software that you should definitely use in this case. Some android devices may come up with this feature with the processes like rooting.

But, some of these bad activities are not advised to the users in any way. So, you should try to find the most reliable methods to do so.

For a monitor, you should surely try to find some other special features related to the brightness in the OSD menu.

The other thing is that while playing games or watching movies you will not get a clear vision or natural colors combination. This thing can make the taste bitter of watching movies on displays having low nits.

Is high brightness nits good for gaming?

Gaming visuals can be extremely tough to see when you have low or even limited brightness levels on your display. This can easily ruin your gaming experience whenever you are playing RPG or FPS games.

So, it is surely a good thing to have a monitor with adequate brightness levels. Too much brightness will also be not a good thing for you.

But, you should try to have a monitor with good levels so that you have a good range to pick from. So, definitely, high brightness nits are good for gaming.


The nits are the unit of luminescence. More the nits, better the quality of the picture. The nits make your screen brighter. It shows natural colors combination. An average nit is from 300 to 500 nits. More than 500 nits will give you an awesome experience.

But only the negative thing is that much high brightness will make your eyes look fatigued. Also, if you will be having low nits, then you will not get good brightness. And this will make it harder for you to even see texts notifications.

The nits should be fixed according to the device. If the device is like a projector, then it needs a high number of nits, but for a smartphone or television, 500 nits can work smoothly.

So, this all was about nits. I hope you got the point and will keep it in mind before buying. After all, you are paying for it! Consider sharing this article with others as well.

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