How to change a portable drive to virtual storage stick with USB drive emulation

We have been hearing about various new technologies in the field of PC gaming. We have so much to us that we never think about some of the great features that technology has to offer. You can see we are now capable of doing several things with our computers using external devices. We are talking about USB Drive emulation. This thing is going to help you play games more effortlessly.

The purpose is to use this external storage device in order to run your games or software. We are going to talk specifically about gaming this time. But, you can do the same with other software as well.

It is possible to emulate through USB devices. You can easily play games by storing them inside USB devices such as USB DAC Up. In fact, there is a very small difference between playing your games through USB devices or internal storage.

How to change a portable drive to virtual storage stick with USB drive emulation

The main purpose is to locate the files from an external device. But, we are going to know whether this thing is worth it or not.

Obviously, your USB device is going to be slower than an external SSD even if it is working with the latest USB protocol. But, still, your computer would work perfectly with any USB device by allowing you to boot your games from these drives.

The main thing to discuss here is whether you are going to see any improvement in gaming or is it actually a waste of time. We are going to know that in this article below.

USB drive emulation phrases can sound something different but you will see its applications in various fields of PC gaming.

So, not only to store your game data or videos, you can surely use USB drives for playing games as well.

USB drive emulation is a pretty simple process. You just have to use your USB drive and connect it normally. There is no need to use any external software or something like that. You just have to install your software or move the program files inside your USB drive.

The complete process is going to be discussed later in this article. You will get to know the benefits and drawbacks of doing USB emulation for gaming or any other task. So, without any further delays, let’s get started.

What is USB Drive Emulation?

As the name suggests, USB Drive Emulation is the process of emulating the software from external storage. Obviously, you are going to use a USB drive for emulation purposes. In simple words, you emulate the main storage on your external USB drive.

There is no benefit to doing the same but it is beneficial to increase the storage space on your computer or use an external device to run your games from.

USB drive emulation is not used by professionals because it has numerous drawbacks as well.

But, for normal gaming, it is definitely possible to do the same. Your computer’s main system has perfect connections with your USB bus. So, you can make use of that for any task as you do with the help of internal storage such as hard disks or SSDs.

The USB drive is going to be a little bit different from the internal storage because you can always remove or reconnect the drive within seconds. This is like having extra storage space to install and run software from.

It is not advised to store other raw data in this type of device but you can do that in a safe manner.

USB drive emulation is all about using the USB drive for the purpose of running the software.

Generally, you will find people using them for data storage. But, it is good to make some other uses to have the most out of your drive. So, we are going to uncover several other things.

Is it possible to play games on a USB stick (Without NVMe drives)?

Definitely, you can do it. Because the USB bus is connected to your motherboard, the system can utilize this device for almost everything that you can do with an internal storage device. You will see people booting their operating systems through USB drives.

So, playing games with a USB stick is also possible. But, it is not advised because the overall data read and write speed of your system is bottlenecked by the USB interface.

Even the best USB 3.1 drives can never go beyond 10 Gbps which is way less than the faster gaming NVMe drives.

So, it is surely possible to play games with the help of a USB drive but again, the data transfer speed is going to be less. You can definitely store any kind of game data on these drives.

But, booting your games is also possible in the same manner. You just have to store that data on your external drive instead of the internal storage and that is what everybody can easily do. The rest is just to run the program as usual.

You just find your file location and double-click to run your game. So, it is possible and in fact very easy to run any game on a USB stick.

So, there is nothing more to be discussed about it.

Can any drive be used for USB emulation?

Almost any device working through the USB interface can be utilized for emulation. This could be your external hard drive, SSD, or a normal USB drive. You can easily store the data inside these drives and if your system is capable of understanding those files, they will work perfectly on your system.

But, most of the time, you will find external drives and USB drives being utilized for this purpose.

Because they are widely available and easy to work with, their ease of use makes them perfect for rapid utilization.

So, if you want to run your games on different systems on the go, it can easily be done with the help of USB emulation. The drive should be able to work with the USB protocol and that is the only requirement.

Now, you can either buy the latest USB 3.1 drive or an external drive, both are going to use the same interface and that’s why the high-speed limits will be similar in both.

Now, whether it is a fast NVMe or SATA SSD or a normal hard drive, the maximum speed limits can never go beyond the USB interface limits. If you are using the USB variants below 3.1, this maximum read-write speed is going to be lesser than 10 Gbps.

If you are working just with 200 MB/s, this might not be enough in some games. For that, either you will have to make the most out of your USB port and the USB interface or do something else to store and run your games.

Is USB Device Emulation worth it for gaming?

This depends completely on the type of games you want to play. If you are going to play games like CS: GO, GTA-V, or other large-sized games, it is not advised to use USB emulation at all.

But, for small games, you can definitely use this thing for your benefit. USB drive emulation is great to make use of your limited storage space for multiple games and run them from wherever you want.

But, it is definitely not a good choice if you are a hardcore or professional gamer. This is going to ruin your gaming experience just because of the USB speed limitations.

So, for any kind of above-average gaming, you should never use USB Drive emulation.

What are the drawbacks of USB Drive emulation for gaming?

First of all, your games are going to take a lot more time as compared to what you see using your computer’s internal storage.

Because, the speed offered by USB is limited and the interface itself lacks performance, there are surely going to be some drawbacks.

Some of the major cons are as follows.

  1. Lags between games
  2. Stuttering
  3. Slow loading
  4. Errors while games save data

Various other unwanted issues can appear whenever you try to run large-sized games with the help of USB drives. There is no need to worry about this thing if your games don’t require much power from the storage end.

We are not talking about the memory of your RAM slots at all. These issues are going to be there because of your slower storage drive.

Because some games would need fast drives such as NVMe SSDs to run, you can’t expect your normal USB drive to work flawlessly.

Can you run all software on external USB drives?

Yes, it is always possible to run any program when it is installed on your external USB drive. It is possible to do so theoretically. But, practically, any software that needs high storage read/write speed would find it hard to work with USB devices because they are very slow as compared to the SSDs.

Suppose you are using a video editor to edit 4K videos. Now, when it comes to rendering, a faster storage device speed would benefit you a lot.

So, if you are still working with the slower USB drives, you will find it hard to do so. So, you can run them but can’t expect any USB drive to offer you better results.

How to emulate a USB drive and change to virtual storage for gaming?

Using USB drive emulation is very easy. This thing can be done with no technical knowledge at all. However, you must know how to move the files to the USB drives if they are stored on your computer’s internal storage.

Emulation can easily be done once the files are located inside the drive and are ready to run with your computer.

Emulation might sound a little bit technical and you might think that you will have to run some programs or dome some hardcore tasks to get this done. But, it is pretty straightforward to do. You can simply follow the process given below.

Format the drive in NTFS

Your system will format your drive in NTFS automatically. So, just don’t play with these settings or try to change it to FATm FAT32 or anything else. There are some other things such as exFAT but you just have to stick with NTFS because of its compatibility and security features.

Formatting is important to remove all the unwanted content from your drive. You can keep the files if you want but it is advised to format them before using them for any purpose. Formatting is pretty easy.

You just have to insert your drive to the USB port and once it is recognized by your system, right-click it and then choose the format option.

Now, you will have to choose the formatting option which is of course the NTFS, and then proceed with the format.

Install Steam if you want

If you are planning to play games with your Steam account, you just have to install the Steam software on your drive. For that, you can visit the official steam website and get your program from there. This will help you to play your desired games through a single account where all your precious data is stored.

However, you can also choose to do the same without steam and run your games directly. You just have to install the program normally.

But, make sure to choose the file location on your external USB drive. Now, a shortcut will get created on the desktop from where you can easily fire your program up.

Transfer your games on the USB drive

If you already have the games installed on your computer, you can easily copy or permanently move the complete folders to your external drives.

But, if the games need to be re-installed, you can just install them normally and again choose the install location on your external USB drive.

This is all you have to do in order to install and run your games through the USB drive.

You can call this USB emulation or simply a process of running your programs from external drives.


We hope this article would have provided you with enough information about USB Drive Emulation when it comes to gaming tasks.

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