How to use a bungee cord to move mouse 360 degrees for gaming?

If you are a serious gamer, you would always want to use a wired mouse. But, you might be aware of the drawbacks that come along with the wired mice as compared to the wireless ones. The main issue with the wired mouse is the wire management itself. So, in this article, we are going to know what is mouse bungee and how to use it.

Mouse bungee is a great way to reduce the mess of your wire that may cause issues in your gaming. Because the mouse is the main controlling device in PC gaming, you would definitely want to buy a perfect one for your gaming tasks.

Now, some of them come with the bungee but most of them will not come along with them. So, you will have to buy a bungee and then use it for your specific works. The main role of bungee is to take care of your mouse wire and handle it properly when the mouse is moving.

The bungee will hold this wire all the time you are moving your mouse. If you are playing any game and moving your mouse at a fast pace, the bungee will make sure that the wire is not coming in front of your mouse ruining your gaming experience at any cost.

what is mouse bungee

If you are curious about the movement of your mouse cord in any way, a mouse bungee is going to help you get rid of most of the issues related to that. Some part of the wire attached to your mouse is going to be within the grip of your bungee.

Some bungees might position the wire at higher or lower positions. But, the wire after the bungee holder will be free to move anywhere.

We are having issues with the primary part which is attached to the mouse. So, your mouse bungee is going to handle all these things effectively.

If we talk about the price, mouse bungees are very affordable. For example, if you can’t afford those premium and wireless gaming mouses, you can easily go for any good wired mouse and then use a bungee along with it. This is going to help you save a lot of money.

Because these devices are very cheap, you can buy multiple of them and use them with multiple mice if you have them. Some enthusiasts would like to create their own DIY bungees and they also work extremely well.

You might see characters holding those wires or even Lego buildings for the same task. But, if you go online, you can easily pick a good mouse bungee for you at very cheap prices.

With that said, let’s proceed further and know more about these devices.

What is bungee cord and its used for mouse movements?

As you might be having a good idea about the purpose of mouse bungee, you should also know about the basic characteristics. Mouse bungees are great to have the best results in terms of gaming performance from your mouse.

The mouse bungees are mostly made up of plastic material which will mostly be moveable with a good effort. You can also see some others with metallic constructions. Different brands can offer you different shapes and types.

But, the main purpose of a mouse bungee is to hold your mouse cable at the right place to make you free from any distractions caused by these cables like mouse stuttering.

This will also help you keep your mouse at the right place and reduce its overall weight. Bungees actually help you to smoothly move the mouse because you don’t have that extra weight and hence the interference of your mouse cord.

A mouse bungee is an apparatus that secures the cord of a mouse, allowing full motion and giving freedom of movement to the mouse. It is made from plastic, rubber, and sometimes silicon formulated components.

The component can be bent into various shapes and structures, depending on the needs of the user. The design of a mouse bungee has evolved over time and now includes spring or hybrid versions for more rigidity.

A mouse bungee provides a very simple method for stabilizing a mouse during use. It allows a mouse to move freely on a desk without the end coming off the rest of the mouse.

Benefits of Mouse Bungee

The idea behind what is bungee is very simple. Rigid plastic or metallic wire is bent into a complicated structure with a spring or other element, to allow free movement of the mouse along a surface. This wire then is connected to several other wires, which help provide power to the mouse as well as data transfer.

There are several benefits that you can probably receive with this simple device. Some of the main benefits of a mouse bungee are as follows.

  1. Can be used with any wired mouse
  2. Easy to use and affordable
  3. Can also be used with other normal cords besides mouse
  4. RGB bungees are also available

There are numerous other benefits that you can receive with a good mouse bungee which is also configured well with your mouse setup. With a good mouse mat and a bungee, you can make your mouse ready to use for any kind of gaming task.

A mouse bungee usually has a series of holes on the top and bottom that allow for a wire to be passed through them easily and quickly.

Then there is usually a spring attached to the top of the bungee, and the spring pushes the wire down and away from the mouse and its housing, making it much easier to push the mouse into its housing and remove it with less likely damage to the device itself.

Who should use mouse cord holder?

To answer that question, bungees come in many different configurations, and some of them are simply designed to help minimize the risk of damage to the user.

For example, you can buy bungees that have safety locks that prevent the cord from being released in case someone pulls on the cord while the user is trying to push the mouse away.

Others are designed with anti-slip grip materials so that your fingers will stay inside the device and minimize slipping. So, the main purpose of bungee is to make sure your mouse movement is not getting blocked because of its wire.

Now, if you are a serious gamer, you should definitely use a mouse bungee. Also, if you are someone else who has everything to do with fast mouse movements, a mouse bungee is made just for you.

Mouse bungees are great for any gamer who is constantly doing runs and timed shots in a multiplayer game. They can also help relieve some stress and muscle tension when playing video games for prolonged periods of time, especially if you are using the gamepad controller, which is often used when playing first-person shooter video games.

This can be great for regular as well as occasional gamers. While your friend is stuck in the rocking chair getting a bit impatient, you can run to the next corner and finish the level or mission instead.

Does bungee help to reduce the weight of your mouse?

The bungee has nothing to do with the weight of your mouse because the mouse will stay on the surface below it. But, it will definitely reduce the extra weight that your mouse cord is going to put on it. With this innovative technology, you can play longer and more smoothly than ever before.

Not only are there many different kinds of what is mouse bungee products available, but there is also new technology offered for wireless mouse use, such as wireless mouse mat and the recently introduced wireless mouse boppers.

With a variety of products to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect solution for your gaming needs. But, if you are still looking to get the most out of your wired mouse, you should definitely try to use a mouse bungee.

The best mouse bungee to purchase depends on the job you need it for. If you need a small extension for a desk mouse that will not affect your normal working arrangement, then the standard rubber bungee will be sufficient. This type extends very easily from your desk and can be placed just about anywhere.

It is very useful if you need to reach a certain area of your desk while working. So, the main task of bungee is to hold your mouse cable and this thing can easily be done with the help of any kind of bungee.

So, make sure to pick the right one for your mouse and use it properly without thinking much about it.

Are mouse bungees too expensive?

You can easily buy a good-quality mouse bungee for $10 or lesser than that. You just have to pick the simplest one and it will come for a very cheap price. However, if you are looking for some extra functions such as RGB lights, etc, you will definitely have to pay some more amount for the same.

But, generally, when you visit online or offline stores, you will find that these are very cheap devices which you can easily afford without spending too much.

A mouse mat would sometimes cost you higher than the price of a bungee. So, you do not have to worry about the price of these devices at all. The internet is full of numerous options to choose the best products possible. So, when it comes to finding the right mouse bungee, you will surely face no issues at all.

The prices of bungees can be higher if you are looking for a device with RGB effects. These bungees can easily cost you near about 50$. The prices may go higher than that if you are going for a named brand.

Normally, the more features you want in your bungee, the higher amounts you will have to pay. This is just like any other device. If you are fine with the normal features, you will be charged lesser. But, having extra effects on your keyboard or mouse is going to cost you more of course.

Do all mice need a bungee?

Obviously, the wireless mouse doesn’t need a bungee at all. Also, if you are using a wired mouse for your normal tasks on the computer, you will not have to even think about using a mouse bungee. Because your mouse is going to work with a wire, you will surely face some issues.

But, they will never harm you as much as they will do while you are playing some sort of game. So, if you generally do your office work, study, internet browsing, or media consumption, you will not feel the need for a mouse bungee.

This thing is made especially for professional gamers. The people who don’t want to take any chances of errors while playing games just because of their mouse wire, a bungee is a perfect choice for them.

If you are a professional gamer and using a wired mouse for controlling the gameplay, you would surely see the need for bungee at some point. Using a mouse pad is not enough. Your wire is going to come your way when you are moving the mouse at a very fast pace.

In that case, a mouse bungee is going to be a very helpful tool for you. It will not only help you get the most out of your gaming setup but also to improve your game and grow in it.

Final Verdict

We hope this article would have provided you with enough information about what is mouse bungee and how to use it. Make sure to choose the right one as per your mouse and the requirements.

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