How To Fix Lagging, Jerking, and Stuttering in Flawless Tracking Mouse

In the world of gaming, people are getting too fast in gaming. With their different tricks of keyboard shortcuts and handling flawless tracking mouse, the gaming itself had become now one of the toughest competitions too. Not only the adults, the youngsters, and the kids too are fond of gaming and are crazy about it. But what, if your mouse started stuttering? Confused? Well, we are here to help you understand this issue and then know how to fix mouse stuttering in games. Most of the time, we get stuck to these technical terms.

So let’s see what your mouse may be dealing with! Mouse freezing or stuttering is actually the problem either with your mouse or its software counterparts. But, some people may think that this issue is happening because of their DisplayPort graphics card or the display itself.

Because stuttering is going to cause hassles in your gaming, you can easily find it hard to solve it in some cases and this might frustrate you a lot more. Mouse stuttering will give you a lot of problems related to your flawless tracking mouse pointing. You might not feel its impact when you are doing normal work on your personal computer.

Fix Lagging, and Stuttering in Flawless Tracking Mouse

When, you are gaming, editing videos, or doing any other intensive tasks where a lot of mouse movements are required, stuttering can actually put you in a lot of trouble. For professional people, this issue can result in several more problems. The most effective and easy way to solve this issue is to just replace your flawless tracking mouse with a new one. But, we are going to try some troubleshooting methods as well.

Actually, there are various methods by which you can try to get this issue fixed on your own. But, they may or may not work depending on the actual problem you are facing.

For example, if the issue is caused by an interence of your laptop’s touchpad, you can try disabling it. But if the issue is with your mice hardware, the problem might be impossible to get fixed. But, before buying a new side button gaming mouse, it is good to try these fixing methods first of all. This is what we are going to discuss here. So, without any further delays, let’s get started.

What Is Random Stuttering and Is related to Input Lag?

While gaming, have ever your mouse or the pointer stopped working? When you are clicking the mouse but that pointer that displays on-screen is still in that place and not moving. It is easy to get frustrated in this situation. You were just a step far to either win the game or cross your level but just because of stuttering, you lose.

Stuttering can come up in several other forms. You might also see that your mouse is working fine in some cases but at some times, the controls may get lost. You will feel that your mouse gets disconnected at some movements.

So, what exactly is this mouse stuttering? The above para is the practical explanation of stuttering. Yes, when your mouse suddenly gets stop working or the pointer freeze at a single point on the display screen, it is nothing else, just mouse stuttering.

Also, most of the users face this issue a lot. Like now it’s one of the common! Stuttering is like when you are moving your mouse in the other direction but the pointer is moving erratically. You can imagine it just like the screen stuttering that is actually caused by your graphics card. But, here the mouse is creating the problem for you.

How Can Mouse Stuttering Ruining Your Gaming Experience

There can be many reasons for mouse freezing or stuttering, your devices, software, or maybe others. Also, check if your mouse is getting accumulated a lot of dust. Yes! As the mouse is one of the output devices and remains outside, it may catch a lot of germs or dust either from the surroundings or from our hands.

You will start thinking after reading the previous line that your hands remain clean and also your monitor is in a closed and clean room. But still think, we do a lot of work with our these hands which causes to catching dust and with those same hands we play, also, again and again, exchanging of the mouse from your hands to others gives entry to dust to accumulate.

Now, how this stuttering can ruin your gaming experience? Suppose you are playing with your friend and your friend challenged you for it. Now at any cost, you have to win the game. You were just there to kill the enemy from your competitor’s side but as you slide your mouse to click at some other point, the pointer moved erratically or got freezes.

Next, the enemy is coming closer to you, sounds annoying right? Yes, just a pointer ruined all your game. It’s not only about the stuttering of a mouse, this issue can’t be ignored. This becomes too annoying when you can’t enjoy your gaming skills.

Even after having good knowledge of gaming, becoming a loser face in your friend circle may disappoint you and your gaming experience. You have got the point and will check if you are facing this issue or will take this problem seriously if in future your mouse starts stuttering.

5 Efficient ways to fix irregular pointer lagging, freezing and stuttering Issues with high DPI scaling mouse

Don’t get panic about it. If there are problems there is also a solution to them. So, let’s discuss the methods by which mouse stuttering can be fixed.

Update Mouse Driver

Our mouse is also having software installed in our windows or you can say your devices. But yes, if you are having that local and cheaper flawless tracking mouse, it comes without any software and also does not works for a long time. It gets damaged easily. If you are having a branded mouse then definitely it will come with the software.

The software communicates with the windows of the monitor and hardware. On one side, where it is a positive point of flawless tracking mouse coming with software that same software sometimes becomes the cause of the problem. If you want to overcome such an issue, you can install the software again by firstly uninstalling them.

Upgrading the mouse driver is important every time you try to fix any issue related to your mouse. The stuttering issue can also get solved with this method. So, let’s see how you can easily upgrade the mouse driver.

  • Press Windows+X keys together to open the Windows menu and then click Device Manager
  • Inside the Device Manager menu, find the option Mice and other pointing devices and double click

Update Mouse Driver for fix input lag and shattering

  • Now, find your mouse and double click it again
  • Now, click Update driver and then choose the automatic method for the update.

Update ps2 compatible mouse driver


Give it some time to get updated and then make sure to restart your computer. You can choose the manual update method if you already have the latest driver downloaded on your computer.

Stop Realtek Audio Process

You might be thinking that what is the relation between the audio device and your mouse issues. But, there is a co-relation between them and we are saying this after full research. A lot of people were actually able to fix this problem using this method.

The Realtek Audio can become part of the problem of mouse freezing. So, the steps to fix Realtek audio are-

  1. Simultaneously press Windows keys + X as we did earlier.
  2. Then, go to the Task Manager option
  3. Now, go to the services option and find the service named Realtek Audio process.
  4. Now, restart your computer to see if the problem is fixed.

Stop Realtek Audio Process

This step might put your audio properties in a hassle. So, it is good if you restart your computer after following the step. But, if the issue is still there, you can go to the next step given below.

Hide Cortona

There is a possibility of getting stuttering fixed by hiding or disabling the Cortana. Cortana is always open on your computer if you haven’t manually disabled it.

Now, understanding the relation between Cortana and your mouse is not easy but a lot of users were actually able to solve the issue using this method as well. So, the process is as follows.

  • Simultaneously, press the Windows key and R key together to fire up the run command.
  • Type services.msc, and press enter

getting stuttering fixed by hiding or disabling the Cortana


  • Scroll and double-click on ATI Hotkey Poller on the right side of the window
  • You will enter the Properties window. Now click on the Startup type and choose After that click on Apply and then on OK.
  • The last step is to restart your computer.

hide or remove corotana

Once the computer is restarted, you will see that your mouse pointer is working absolutely fine. But, in some cases, this method may not work for you. So, the next step can help you with this.

Set Your Touchpad To No Delay

This feature is especially for windows 10 so that the pointer not goes in the opposite direction. Also, if you are using a touchscreen monitor or laptop, the problem will surely get resolved after doing this. Because both your external flawless tracking mouse and touchpad are active at the same time, the touchpad settings can sometimes create hassles for your mouse.

Changing the touchpad settings is pretty easy using your OS settings. Whether you are using Windows or any other OS, you can easily do these things without much effort.

  1. On the left side of the screen, click on the windows icon at the bottom and select Settings
  2. Click on the Devices
  3. On the left side of the screen, from the menu click on Mouse & Touchpad.
  4. Then click on No Delay( always on).
  5. Then test once if the mouse is working properly or not.

If you are doing this thing, you might see some changes with your touchpad working. But, if the mouse started to work fine, you can surely apply these settings permanently.

Change Your Mouse

After doing all these steps if you are not getting relieved from the problem and the mouse is stuttering and you do not want to take panic about doing all these things, again and again, the most simple thing is to change the mouse with the new updated one.

This will give you a good experience and you can enjoy your gaming without any stuttering issues. Most probably, this is an issue with your mouse itself.

You can surely try to change the custom DPI and do some other basic settings to double-check the problem. But, in most cases, if these things are not working for you, you will have to buy a new mouse.

What If The Problem Is Still There?

Now comes the issue, that even after following all these above steps, the problem is stable and stuttering is still there. Now, what to do? If even after updating and following all these steps, the problem is still there, it may be surely related to the graphic card. So, for this update the display driver. There are two ways to update the graphic card, either manually or automatically.

Manual Driver Update: Just go to the manufacturer’s website and search for the recent driver suitable for it. But be sure that the version of Windows 10 is consistent.

Automatic Driver Update: If you are not too technically skilled or don’t want to take risks, you can do it automatically with Driver Easy. It will identify the system first and will provide you with the appropriate drivers for your graphic card. For downloading then in last, you have to follow the given steps:

  1. Download and install Driver Easy
  2. Run it and click on the scan now button. The computer will be scanned and detect the problems.
  3. After that, click on the Update button which will download the appropriate driver automatically. Or you can click on update all.


The mouse stuttering problems can occur at any time and with anyone. If you are the one who knows well, how to overcome such a situation then what to say, but if you are the one who faces a little bit of problem regarding technology then you should be aware now.

We know when the flawless tracking mouse pointer gets stuck or works erratically, it can make your gaming experience worst. So you can go through the steps given above and can get relief from the problem.

You just need to read the given article carefully, after that you will be able to solve your problem on your own. Consider sharing this information with others if you have found it helpful. We keep coming up with regular updates here on this website. So, stay connected with us for more.

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