How to disable, stop and enable secure boot dual protection motherboard BIOS?

BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System. It is an inbuilt program inside your computer motherboard that runs on the extremely base level of your system. It is the firmware of your laptop/desktop’s motherboard. The BIOS actually has all the important information about your computer including RAM and CPU. But, going further than the single-BIOS, we are going to discuss what is dual motherboard BIOS in this article.

For everything you want to do very near to your hardware, you will have to enter the BIOS menu. Whether you want to change your system’s BIOS priority device or just want to overclock your system, you will definitely have to make use of your BIOS menu.

In some latest motherboards, you get to see the UEFI menu instead of the BIOS. The main advantage of the UEFI is that you get support for mouse usage. The BIOS doesn’t allow using your mouse and just the keyboard control for almost everything you do.

How to enable secure boot dual protection motherboard BIOS

As the name suggests, the dual BIOS on your motherboard is simply a special feature of your computer by which your computer works with two BIOS instead of a single. It means you don’t just have multiple BIOS to choose from but actually multiple ROM devices for your BIOS data. This will help a lot when you are working with extremely complex systems.

For example, if you have set up your system for overclocking, hardware testing, gaming, video editing, or any other hardcore usage, you may want to use a motherboard with dual IOS. In this, you have two motherboard BIOS systems where the first one is your main BIOS but the second one is kept as a backup.

With this image, it is pretty easy to understand the purpose of dual BIOS motherboards. In any dual BIOS system, you will get to see multiple ROM chips that your system can easily use in the case of harm to the main chip.

In this article, you are going to know everything about the Dual BIOS. So, without any further delays, let’s get started.

What is the motherboard BIOS and Why it’s Important for setup?

As you are now aware that your motherboard BIOS is the main element that plays near to the hardware, it is also a software element that utilizes some settings which can be changed from your end.

In simple words, the BIOS is utilized for changing your motherboard’s settings first of all. This will include changing your boot priority device. This means you can change the place from where the OS files are picked.

The BIOS will play an important role to check your system’s hardware and then connect the required files of your system to your motherboard. The main thing that you will get to see this the BIOS is that it works with the ROM (Read Only Memory).

So, it is not possible to change the internal BIOS settings without any knowledge about IC burning techniques.

The BIOS is going to impact your system’s ability to turn it On if you are doing any wrong thing with it. This is the reason why it is never advised to change the BIOS settings if you are not aware of the process of working with it in a proper manner.

Some Effective uses and purpose of motherboard BIOS Flash memory

The main purpose of BIOS is to connect the OS to the computer hardware. This is why it plays a very important role to help run your computer effectively. In simple words, without the help of motherboard BIOS is nearly impossible to even boot your system up.

So, the main utilization is to give a kick start to your system. But, all other tasks are not going to work without it. At any point, if there is an issue with the BIOS hardware or software, the system will get completely disabled. You won’t be able to use it for any tasks.

Now, when you will try to run it again, the whole system will fail to boot up with a completely blank screen. In some cases, your system manufacturer logo can appear but nothing will happen after that.

Some of the main uses of motherboard BIOS are as follows.

  1. Manage all the basic instruction to and from your computer
  2. Turn on the startup process and connect hardware to the operating system
  3. Test computer hardware and show errors if possible
  4. Load bootstrap
  5. Manage the flow of data between OS and computer hardware

There are various other micro-level utilizations of the BIOS but these are some of the main things you will have to keep in your mind. The main purpose of this thing is to help you get the most out of your system while allowing you to easily set up without any interruptions. The interface of BIOS is hard to use but it is very simple if we look at the internal working.

Should you change BIOS settings?

Generally, it is not advised to change your BIOS settings if you are not aware of what you are going to do. As a newbie, you can easily ruin your computer or even damage the OS files with this. Sometimes, the damages could be even worse so that you have to find professionals to help solve things for you.

So, changing any of your BIOS settings is never advised at all. However, simple processes such as fan controls, boot drives, and CPU management can easily be done without any professional knowledge. But, when you are working on the chip levels, it is good to keep things simple and straight.

Without a good knowledge of computer hardware and software, don’t ever try to change the system settings and play with the BIOS settings as well. Changing your OS settings might be very easy to reverse.

But, the BIOS settings might be irreversible and this may end up putting you in a lot of trouble when done in the wrong way. So, make sure to properly follow the guidelines and the motherboard users manual before you go and change those BIOS settings.

How to properly work with BIOS when the startup screen appears?

First of all, your should know how to enter the BIOS menu. All the laptops and desktop systems will allow you to enter your BIOS using specific key combinations. Mostly, you will have to press a single key while your computer is getting started. The key might be ESC, F1, F2, F3, F12, or something else.

But, mostly you will find the ESC key to enter your BIOS. you can press it multiple times to make sure you are going to enter the BIOS menu. When you have entered the BIOS, you must know the settings you are going to change.

These settings might be related to booting, CMOS, time, or hardware control. The latest BIOS menu known as UEFI is mostly found in gaming motherboards.

This kind of interface allows you to have much more control over your operations. So, whenever you want, you can enter your BIOS menu and then try to change the settings properly.

But, do not just play around with them if you are not aware of their functions. Changing your boot priority drives is normal and everybody does that. But, do not just try to change some other settings that may end up causing hassles to you.

Below are some of the things you can do with the BIOS.

  1. Create, change, or remove BIOS password
  2. Change date and time
  3. Drive settings Change
  4. Change DVD or CD drives settings
  5. CPU and other hardware settings Change
  6. Change memory settings
  7. RAID settings
  8. Change USB settings and a lot more.

How does ROM Chip relate to BIOS firmware in the computer?

ROM stands for Read-Only Memory. This is a small chip found on all the computer motherboards. As the name suggests, it can only read the data that has been written during its configurations. The data can be re-written but using some special techniques and by completely removing the chip from the board.

So, this memory can surely have some settings or data that none of your motherboard manufacturers would want to change at all. ROM is utilized for BIOS information as well. All the programs required to load your OS and configure your hardware are fed inside this ROM chip.

The ROM can also have some information that is not able to understand by humans. So, you can say that this is one of the most important parts of your computer and also very secure.

If you do anything wrong with your ROM or damage it anyhow, your system will not work. It is not like your RAM or storage drive which you can easily replace or upgrade. Any damage occurred to ROM is normally irreversible.

ROM is widely utilized in electronics and it has numerous applications in programmable devices. Here in the computer industry, you can see its application in motherboards and various other devices as well.

What is dual BIOS in a motherboard?

Now, you might be having a fair idea about the BIOS on any motherboard. But, we have talked about only the single BIOS motherboards. However, there is another type of BIOS known as dual-BIOS. As the name suggests, this kind of BIOS has a dual setup that you can easily switch between.

The main purpose of dual BIOS is to simply provide a backup to your main BIOS. So, if you think your main BIOS can misbehave or get damaged at any point, you should surely opt for the dual BIOS motherboard.

Especially if you are a gamer, hardware tested, or an overclocker, having a dual-BIOS motherboard is definitely a good option for you.

It will not only help you safeguard your device but to have various other benefits. The main benefits are as follows.

  1. No unwanted BSOD errors
  2. A proper backup if the BIOS chip or software gets corrupted
  3. Suitable for overclocking, gaming systems
  4. Great for those who want to keep their systems On 24 hours
  5. Suitable for mining rigs

There are different other pros you are going to receive with any dual BIOS motherboard. However, you will have to pay a little bit higher price if you are opting for this motherboard. But, in return, you are getting a guarantee that all your OS data and system stability are under control.

How to enable, update and disable motherboard Dual BIOS with adaptable expansion slots?

Unfortunately, there is no specific process for this that suits all the motherboards in the market. Each motherboard from a different manufacturer will have a different setting to let the users enter the BIOS menu. Also, they will have different tabs and settings where you can change your dual BIOS settings.

However, you can always read the motherboard user manual and find the settings there. Along with that, various online platforms along with YouTube videos are there to help you with the same.

If your motherboard is from Gigabyte, you may have to press the Del key while the boot up. Once you are inside the UEFI or BIOS, you will see the settings name Dual-BIOS.

You just have to turn it On and that’s it. Using the same method, you can turn it Off whenever you want.

Now, if your motherboard is coming from Asus, you will see another kind of process with other options in the BIOS menu. So, it is important to get in touch with the user manual and find the related settings from there. You will surely see some settings for this thing.

Most of the time, you will find that this option is already enabled and you don’t have to do anything to turn it On. However, knowing about the settings is always good because you know the process of reaching there whenever you want.

But, before you go and try to enable or disable these settings, it is important to know whether your motherboard has this feature or not. For that, you can definitely visit the official resources and get the information from there.


We hope you have found all the information regarding what is motherboard dual BIOS with the help of this article. We have tried to cover as much as possible through this article.

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