How to Fix Taskbar Turned White in High and Low-end Monitors?

Windows Taskbar is one of the most important parts of any Windows monitor. This is an area where all of us love to add the most utilized software and games. This small rectangular area is placed mostly at the bottom of our main Windows screen. However, people love to adjust it as per their preferences. In this article, we are going to know about various things about the monitor taskbar. The most important topic is how to fix the monitor taskbar turned white issue.

We are going to give you the most practical solutions to solve the problem. So, if you are experiencing this kind of problem on your computer as well, consider reading this article until the end.

How to fix Taskbar Turned White issue in High and Low-end Monitor

If your monitor taskbar is misbehaving, the screen glow or shows dull colors, or gets completely white, this information might help you get rid of the issue without much effort. The taskbar is a very important element of our overall user experience. So, any problem with it can put you in various hassles.

You can’t see the time, date, internet connection, and other pinned programs on your computer. Also, this may interrupt the normal tasks because their running status will also get hidden because of this problem.

The monitor getting white can be a serious problem if this is happening for a long time. So, it becomes very important to fix the issue as soon as possible.

The taskbar is an inbuilt program in your Windows OS. So, it is indicating that there is something wrong with the system itself.

However, the reason could be internal or any external software might also result in this problem. Whatever the reason is, you are going to get a perfect solution to your problem with this article. So, without any further delays, let’s get started.

Why monitor taskbar is important?

As you know that task management is a great way to enhance your productivity. So, when you have all the important applications just a second away from your cursor. You are surely going to have a much more optimized experience. So, a taskbar becomes a very effective way to make this happen.

Windows is using it since its first version and it is still there with Windows 11. So, you can imagine how effective it is for the users. Other OS like macOS and Linux are using this thing but the visibility or customizations might be a little bit different.

However, Windows has its own signature appearance for the Taskbar menu. You can easily adjust things and move your taskbar around.

In other words, most of the users are addicted to this great feature and this is when the problem starts when you see the errors. A problem with your taskbar can actually stop you from doing your important works as well.

It can become tough to switch between the apps if you are not aware of the keyboard shortcuts. So, here in this article, we are going to give you multiple helpful insights about this problem so that you get the desired results.

What are the reasons for the taskbar getting white?

Mostly, this problem occurs just because you have changed some settings on your computer. You might have entered Windows dark mode or simply changed this color to white. Some external software might also play with the taskbar color. So, you will have to keep all these things in mind.

If no settings are able to revert the taskbar color back to normal, you might have to enter the registry editor.

Along with that, if you have selected automatic background changing settings for Windows, this may also result in sudden color changes of the taskbar as well.

For example, if any of your desktop wallpaper is white in color, it may also change the taskbar color to white. So, you will have to check all these things and try changing them.

We are going to reveal all the possible fixes below in this article. So, make sure to try all of them appropriately.

How to customize the ultra-sharp bezel less monitor taskbar?

Increasing the size of the taskbar

The first customization you can do to your monitor taskbar is to increase its size. You will see a double-sided arrow appearing on your cursor whenever you move it by the edge of your taskbar.

When you click on that arrow and move your mouse upwards, it starts to expand and you can adjust it by half of your screen. These settings might not be utilized by most of the users but they are great to do your desired customizations.

Adjusting the location

This is another very easy thing to move your taskbar around and use it as per your needs. For this, you just have to click and hold the cursor on the empty taskbar area and move it simply.

If you move and drag it to the right, the taskbar will adjust itself in the right corner. You can do the same thing in the left of the upper direction.

This can be helpful for different people to achieve different results.

Changing the Taskbar settings

This is the menu where you can adjust most of your taskbar settings in a much deeper way. Here, you can adjust the color of your menu, adjust button size, and change taskbar locking settings.

So, if you want to enter these settings and change them, just right-click the taskbar and click Taskbar Settings. Then you will enter a new menu where all these settings will be available to you.

Moving the apps and icons around

The next customization you can do to your taskbar is to change the location of your software/game icons and widgets. You just have to click and hold a certain icon and move your mouse to change its location.

It is great to create the desired environment in your taskbar. You can also move the smaller icons like internet, battery, and sound.

Exclusive Ways to Fix Taskbar Turned White Issue in High and Low-end LCD Monitor?

We are providing you with four simple steps below to try to fix this issue. However, we would suggest you do a simple restart before you start the process. If the color is still white after restarting, you can start with the first method.

1. Change the Taskbar color

As we discussed earlier, you can use the Windows taskbar settings to change the taskbar color, you will have to enter that menu first of all. Doing this is actually very easy because you just have to change the color.

There is no option to change the taskbar color specifically. You will have to set a custom color palette and choose a specific color. This would help you to know whether the problem is actually related to the wallpaper color or anything else.

This would surely help you if you have mistakenly changed the settings from the same menu. You can follow this simple procedure to get this done.

  1. Right-click your taskbar and click Taskbar settings
  2. Now, click the color tab and choose the desired color palette
  3. Make sure to check the option below “Start, taskbar, and action center”
  4. This would change the color of your taskbar instantly.

If this method has worked for you, you don’t have to go further and try other steps. However, if the color is still white, just proceed to the next step.

2. Use Windows 10 Dark Mode

If the problem is caused because you have activated Windows light mode, you can try testing it using the dark mode. The dark mode is actually introduced in Windows 10 to enhance the user experience by eliminating most of the bright lights.

This mode is usually used by people in the nighttime. So, if you want, you can use it and your taskbar will also get turned into black color. The steps to activate it are as follows.

  1. Go to Windows Settings
  2. Now, choose the Personalization tab
  3. Inside this menu, choose the option Colors
  4. Now, find the option Choose your color and then click the dropdown.
  5. Select Dark option there instead of light

Now, you will see that your taskbar’s color will get converted from white to dark. If that also doesn’t happen, consider going to the next step.

3. Change the Registry

If none of these methods are working for you, you should consider changing the registry keys for the taskbar settings. These settings are going to help you directly get to the root of the problem and then fix it permanently.

However, the method could be a little bit harder to execute. But, with this simple guide, you will be able to get this done without any hassles. Let’s see the process below.

  1. Press Windows+R keys together to open the run dialog
  2. Now, type regedit.msc inside the run command and hit enter
  3. You will have to go to this registry


  1. Click the folder WhiteSearchBox and double click Value
  2. Now, change the value data from 1 to 0

If the WhiteSearchBox folder is not available, you can create a new one just by doing a right-click and choosing the New option. This method should resolve your problem completely.

What to do if no method is working for you?

If none of these methods is working for you to fix the white taskbar problem, you should try to update your Windows OS first of all. Make sure to do a brief Windows update so that you get each driver and all other Windows files updated.

Another thing you can do is to run your Windows in safe mode and see if the taskbar is causing this issue.

If everything is ok when you are inside the safe mode, there is third-party software that is causing the issue. You will have to find that at this time.

Final Verdict

We hope you have got the answer to your question about how to fix the taskbar turned white problem in this article. We have tried to explain things as deeply as possible. But, still, if you think there is any other method which the users can try, just let us know about that as well.

Also, if this article helped you with this issue, let us know which step was the successful one. Consider sharing this article with others so that they also get this help.

You can tell us about any other article you may want to read here. We are always there to help you with everything. We keep coming up with regular updates like this one.

So, stay connected with us. Thanks for reading!

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