DCC vs DCB Mode Monitor: Difference between Color Control and Color Boost Dynamically

DCB (Dynamic Color Boost) technology is found in the AOC monitors. However, the same features can be found in most other monitors with different names. DCB monitor is also known for some additional features in terms of dynamic color enhancements. These settings will help you get numerous advantages in terms of skin tone improvement and various other things at the same time.

With the DCB functionality on your monitor, you will get to see different features as well with this one. You can easily set the color levels and set manual contrast and saturation values. DCB is an advanced technology that works on the principle of RGB signal analysis. With this feature enabled, you will experience great features in terms of effective color reproduction, etc.

On most of the DCB enabled monitors, you will see two different types of color enhancement features. The first one is color boost and the second one is picture boost. But, the names can be different on some monitors. But, the main thing is all about allowing you to change the RGB color values as per your requirements.

DCC vs DCB Mode Monitor

So, you are capable of adjusting the visuals depending on the elements which are showing on your screen. The process of DCB starts after the DCC signal analysis. The ICM color adjustments are done after this process and then the processed signals are provided to the display panel. These signals are digital in nature.

ICM stands for Intelligent Color Management and this thing works in relation to the DCB. With the help of this technology, the DCB monitors are capable of providing vivid colors and impressive videos in a way that the viewers get the best results possible.

The RGB input signals are firstly fed to the DCC (Dynamic Color Control) system where all the colors are analyzed properly. Most of the time, you will get to see five different color-enhancement features. So, you can make use of them for different purposes. We are going to know everything about these things below in this article. So, let’s get started.

What are Dynamic Color Boost and its Benefits?

As we discussed earlier, Dynamic Color Boost is an advanced color adjustment technology that enables the users to get the most impressive results in terms of video quality along with great color reproduction. As per the color environment on your screen, you can easily adjust the colors using this technology.

Whether you are choosing color boost or picture boost technology, both of these are going to give you the best video quality possible. This is the reason most monitor manufacturers are now adding these features to their latest monitor models.

The Dynamic color boost can help you a lot to get the correct color outputs as per the desired visuals on your screen.

For example, if you are displaying videos where nature or any greenery is appearing, you can adjust the RGB mode to green or any other specific color as per your needs.

You will always have to find these settings in your OSD menu. If the DCB features are available on your monitor, the only way to access them is to reach your monitor menu and find them from there. You can easily adjust the values from there to reach your desired levels.

It is easy to observe the outputs in real-time because the changes will be applied on the go. So, this feature is surely a good option to utilize instead of any third-party enhancement software.

What are the benefits of DCB Mode?

The prime benefit of DCB mode is that it improves the color quality on your screen. This works by properly analyzing the incoming RGB signals and then improving them to produce a more attractive and vivid color quality.

The Picture Boost is going to help you with the overall display quality whereas the color boost will help you with the enhancement of the display colors. ICM (Intelligent Color Management) technology is also utilized in DCB. This helps to properly adjust the color values and do not over-saturate them. The Color Boost actually works with its help and gives us the results we are looking for.

With the help of the Full Enhance feature, you would allow the system to handle everything on its own. However, some other adjustment features will also be there for you to adjust properly. This will include Natural Skin, Sky-blue, green-field, etc.

The Full Enhance feature will give you the desired results in a way that no other element is compromised. You can say that this thing will give you balanced benefits by combining all the things altogether.

In simple words, these benefits are for those who are looking for the best visual quality in terms of colors, contrast, etc.

How to use the Color Boost feature?

In order to use this feature on your monitor, you will have to find the menu and all its settings in the OSD menu. In this menu, you will get to see several things that will be there for you to change easily. You may not see any direct menu option named Dynamic Color Boost but some other related elements will be provided to you.

For example, you can see nature skin which will always be related to skin enhancements. So, if you think that the skin colors are not properly matching with the inputs, you can easily turn it On and apply the enhancements feature right away.

Now, let’s see what features you will see in this menu.

  1. Full Enhance
  2. Nature Skin
  3. Green Field
  4. Sky Blue
  5. Auto-Detect

Besides these menu options, you will see another option that says Demo. This will help you to see the changes before actually applying them in real-time. We have already discussed the Full Enhance and Nature Skin features.

But, if you want to know about Greenfield, just understand that this feature will make the green colors much more refreshing. So, if you are watching a cricket match on your monitor or its video, this feature will make the field much more greener and naturally soothing.

The Sky Blue effect will work perfectly with the sky scenes. It will enhance the visual quality of the blue colors. The Auto-detect is mostly utilized when you are not aware of which setting you should apply at what time.

This thing will automatically adjust all the settings and help you get the best results possible. Different monitor brands will come up with different types of settings in the DCB menu. So, make sure to read the user manual properly before trying to change any setting on your display device.

Which one is better for Monitor: DCB vs DCR?

DCB has everything to do with the color reproduction of your monitor. It will help you achieve the best colors possible on your monitor. Using different settings of DCB technology, you can customize your display’s color reproduction. Also, this will help you apply certain changes for specific visuals.

For example, if you want to improve the green color’s picture quality, you can do it using a feature called Green Field. DCR is a little bit different from DCB.

DCR stands for Dynamic Contrast Ratio. As the name suggests, this thing will help you achieve proper contrast ratio levels. If you think your monitor is not reproducing the dark and light areas properly, this feature can help you.

DCR will actually help you achieve the deepest dark colors and when it comes to the lighter colors, you will get to see the lightest outputs. The contrast ratio is actually increased when it is required but when it is good to decrease it a little bit, you can do that as well.

With the highest contrast ratio, you can get the best benefits from the DCR also. In order to apply these settings and see the results, you can again go to your monitor’s OSD menu and apply the changes from there. Increasing or decreasing the intensity of your settings will be all up to you and very easy to do.

This can be done just by using the volume buttons on your monitor’s button panel. As per the type of your monitor, the controls may vary.

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When should you use the bright, fast frame rates and vibrant DCB Monitor?

There is no specific time when it is advised to use the DCB function. This thing can easily be utilized as per the type of visuals you are about to see on your monitor. So, for example, if you are about to watch a movie where you think the sky should be bluer, you can use specific DCB settings for sure.

If you are not aware of which setting to use at what time, it is good to use the balanced or the auto mode. Using the DCB feature is pretty easy and everybody can make use of it.

But, it is good to not play with these settings if you think you are good to do them without actually using them.

In simple words, use these settings only when you think you need them.

In order to apply the settings, you can follow the steps given below.

  1. Find and press the menu button on your monitor
  2. This will open up the OSD menu for you
  3. Inside the OSD menu, find the DCB option
  4. Now, choose the option as per your needs i.e. Nature Skin, Green Field, Sky Blue, etc
  5. You can also adjust the levels and see what kind of results you are getting.

This thing can also help you with some issues like poor color quality or low saturation levels. So, make sure to use this feature wisely and in a balanced manner. Using these settings at what time is totally up to you.

You can find numerous occasions when you think the colors are not correct, this feature can help you get rid of the issues. It is a good choice to choose the right settings at the right time otherwise you will not see the desired results.

Is Dynamic Color Boost good for gaming? (color reproduction, vivid colors, color-adjustment features)

It is not advised to use Dynamic Color Boost for gaming because you have all the important color-adjustment features available with your graphics card settings. But, if you think your monitor also requires some adjustments to get done, you can try these settings.

Don’t try to replace the main settings such as Contrast, Saturation, and Brightness with these additional settings. They are made for their specific tasks and to play with certain colors.

Make sure to utilize them properly whenever it is required. But, in some games where you can’t control the visuals and their colors from your graphics card’s settings, you can surely utilize the DCB features.

If you are a gamer with decent PC configurations along with a high-resolution monitor, you will not have to worry about color reproduction most of the time. But, for low resolution monitors, color issues can appear at any time. So, you should think about using this feature if you want.

With some practice, you will be able to apply the changes perfectly in the way you want them. In general, this feature is a waste for gamers. But, if it is coming along with your monitor, there are no issues using them for your benefit.

Do all monitors have DCB functions?

No, most of the monitors will not have this feature. As we talked about earlier, the AOC monitors mostly have this feature. But, you may find it in some others with different names. The functions might be the same but the features you will get could be the same or not.

So, the question of whether all monitors have DCB features depends on the type of your monitor and its model. Some monitor companies will provide you with additional features such as UV protection etc.

But, if you are having DCB technology enabled on your monitor, you will definitely find its name in your OSD menu. Inside this menu, you will find most of your monitor controls and the DCB options will be found there. You will get to see sliders to set the intensity of these effects.

If you want to get this feature in your monitor, you should do some research prior to your purchase so that you get what you are looking for. The DCB functions are pretty impressive in terms of visual quality enhancements. So, make sure to try them whether you are a gamer or not.

Final Verdict

We hope this article will have helped you get the best information about What is DCD monitor. With this article, we have provided you with as much details information as possible about this technology.

So, we think you will now be aware of the steps to use them properly. If you have any other questions or queries related to this article, just let us know in the comment section.

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