What is Screen and Monitor Anti-Aliasing Mode? How to Fix In-built jagged-edge Problem

Have you even zoomed out a text so much so that you start to see its individual pixel along with its position with its neighboring ones? You might have done that. So, in gaming, when we are playing very low-resolution games, we tend to see these jagged visual elements which are pretty annoying to see. So, this is the reason we are going to talk about the best monitor anti-aliasing techniques utilized to solve this issue. This thing can actually help you to enhance your gaming experience. Not only gaming but this thing applies in various other aspects.

What is Screen and Monitor Anti-Aliasing Mode

In fact, whenever you are watching anything on your monitor or Television, there is mostly some kind of anti-aliasing getting done on the screen.

Especially when the resolution is low and so is the pixel density, you start to see those jagged pixels in a much clear way. This would end up giving you a possible bad experience. So, the basic thing that anti-aliasing does is that it tries to smooth out those jagged edges and lines.

It does the job perfectly in most cases because the principle is pretty clear. The thing is that we are happy with as smooth edges as possible when it comes to gaming.

But, if we are not getting it done by our monitor and the system, we will need a feature to do it. So, anti-aliasing is the feature for you.

Anti-aliasing may put some extra load on your graphics card for sure. But, this thing would give you a better viewing experience for sure. This thing is closely related to the video resolution. But, we are going to come to that later in this article.

For now, let’s start discussing more the feature of monitor anti-aliasing along with its benefits and the ways to get it started. So, without any further delays, let’s get started.

What are spatial Anti-Aliasing and Its Importance?

As we discussed earlier, anti-aliasing is a feature that comes with your games to enhance the visuals. This is actually the process of smoothing the gaming visuals by covering the rough edges created by diagonal pixels. Let’s understand in a simpler way.

If you create a straight horizontal line on your monitor by combining some pixels together, you will see a straight line. But, if you create a diagonal line, the monitor will have to connect diagonal pixels and hence this line will form a staircase effect.

Keep a thing in mind that this thing is happening on a microscopic level. But, this is just an example of how things are done.

So, when that jagged line is formed, we start to observe it when the resolution of the screen is low. Obviously, this happens because the size of pixels is larger when the resolution is high. So, with the help of anti-aliasing, we try to fill those staircases with other faded pixels.

Those filling pixels can’t be deep and have the same colors as the actual ones but they are made fades so that we can trick our eyes when we see them from a distance. This actually works and you start to see a straight diagonal line just like a horizontal one.

However, if you again look at it closely, that actual line has a staircase but anti-aliasing has compensated that with some extra dull pixels.

Why do you need to monitor anti-aliasing for Gaming?

Now, you might be having a clear idea of what anti-aliasing is. Now, with the same context, just imagine you are playing a game where there is a big round object in the center. The color of the box is black and everything another thing on the screen is white.

Now, if the resolution of your screen is low, you may start to see the round corners of that ball a little bit rough. This is happening because the pixels are arranged in a staircase manner to imitate that roundness. But, practically, creating a completely round image on a pixel screen is not possible.

There must be some jagged edges to form a curve. Now, instead of changing the whole structure of our monitor and rearrange the pixels, which is nearly impossible, we make use of anti-aliasing.

Now, the need for monitor anti-aliasing is there because we can even feel that rough edges even after having very high-resolution screen images. We might not observe them directly but you can see a difference between a screen with anti-aliasing turned On and turned Off.

So, if you are getting perfectly clear and smooth gaming visual with this simple method, why don’t you just use it. However, if you think that everything is fine and your game along with your hardware doesn’t need an anti-aliasing feature, you can just keep it Off.

What are the main types of anti-aliasing?

There are five main types of anti-aliasing and they do the same task which we discussed above in five different ways. We are going to know about them one by one. So, let’s get started.

1. Multisample Anti-Aliasing

In this process of anti-aliasing, two or three adjacent pixels are sampled together. Now, this thing adjusts those jaggies in a way that it is easy to do it using any other method.

You can be considered it as an updated version of SSAA which we are going to discuss below in this article. This technique is the most popular and impressive because of its advanced edge detection algorithm.

Also, the correction techniques are accurate and great in terms of quality. So, you can surely expect some impressive results from this type of anti-aliasing.

2. Temporal Anti-Aliasing

This is a much more advanced and the latest type of anti-aliasing technique. In this, both inside and outside of each pixel are sampled to fill the jagged areas. This new form of anti-aliasing can be found in most of the AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards.

This one is surely using a much more precise and hard sampling tactic. So, you can expect some extra load on your machine.

The TXAA or temporal anti-aliasing can come with much more impressive results as compared to the multiple anti-aliasing. However, you may need a powerful system to make use of it.

3. Morphological Anti-Aliasing

The MLAA is much more a filtering technique that can work pretty impressively when combined with other hardcore anti-aliasing techniques. However, this one is suggested for all the systems with weak system configurations. In fact, you can start it with just 2GB of RAM.

This tactic uses a very simple strategy to detect the jagged pixels. It basically applies the changes to the whole screen after the whole rendering process is done. This is the unique quality of this strategy that makes it special.

It just checks the discontinuing patterns and then fills them with suitable colors using its simple yet effective algorithm. However, keep a thing in mind that MLAA is focused on quantity instead of quality.

4. Supersample Anti-Aliasing

This one simply works on the principle of over-sampling. In simple words, it samples the images on a higher resolution and then applies the changes to the real one as requirements.

This is the first anti-aliasing method utilized to smoother the gaming visuals. This actually over-samples an image and then downsample to make it look smoother.

This ends up putting some extra load on your machine just like the above method. So, using SSAA on a weak computer may result in performance issues.

5. Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing

This method was developed by NVIDIA and it’s perhaps the most utilized method for fixing visuals over the world. This actually works on the principle of smoothing the whole screen instead of detecting the impacted corners. This is the reason why this is so light on your machine.

It is very fast and loved by gamers because of very few or no performance impacts. The power and resources utilized by this method are very low because it doesn’t run heavy algorithms to check those edges.

Also, for fixing purposes, this one applies all its effects to the whole image. This is the special thing about this sampling technique is a great thing for slow computer users.

Which is the best monitor anti-aliasing Method (minimizing the distortion artifacts)?

The best monitor anti-aliasing depends on your requirements and the system configurations as well. Each AA technique has its own pros and cons. Some will come along with impressive results but offer a huge load on your graphics card. So, let’s know which one is best for which purposes.

Best types of Anti-Aliasing

FXAA is surely the best option for everyone with a low-specs computer. This process is actually very less demanding for your computer but provides great results for sure. However, you can’t compare the results directly with the TXAA.

TXAA and SSAA is a perfect AA technique for the users with high-end computers. Especially if you have a new graphics card, you should choose TXAA.

This technique would need much more PC power and this is why you should ignore it if your PC has low specifications.

In our opinion, the MSAA is a perfect technique for those who have medium configuration computers. So, for example, you have a normal processor along with a 4 or 8 GB Graphics card, this technique is suitable for you.

In simple words, if you want good results in terms of aliasing elimination, your machine will have to pay some extra effort. You will require some extra machine resources to enable and utilize those extra samplings and rendering tasks

How to enable anti-aliasing Mode in high and Low-end Ultrathin Screen?

Enabling anti-aliasing is very easy. You just enter your game settings and then head to the ultrathin display or visual settings. There, you will see several options and you just have to find the option that says anti-aliasing.

Now, we can tell you the exact steps because each game will come along with different settings and hence you will have to find it on your own. However, it is not very tough to do so. We would suggest reading some online articles or watch a YouTube video to know how you can enable this setting for your desired game.

Enabling anti-aliasing is not important on your graphics card’s control panel because it is always turned On by default. So, just enable your game’s settings and you are good to go.

What else you can do to have a smoother viewing experience?

It is good if you can invest in good hardware. Not only you can use much more advanced anti-aliasing methods with it but you can also experience various other advancements for sure.

But, the most impressive thing you can do to enhance and smoother the images on your monitor is to simply upgrade your monitor. In simple words, the higher resolution your display device has, the lower jagged things you will see.

Also, if you are using an older monitor, the chances of getting these problems become higher. So, it would be a great decision for you if you decide to go for a high-resolution monitor.

Of course, your game should support that resolution in order to see the results. But, if you are seeing this issue just because your monitor isn’t compatible enough for the game, just upgrade it.

Final Verdict

We hope you are now having a fair idea about the best monitor anti-aliasing method. Consider having a good PC with enough specification as per the requirements.

Otherwise, we have told you which one is the suitable tactic for you. Consider sharing this information with others as well. Also, give us your valuable feedback because we appreciate it.

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